As a dream seeker to going abroad, we all know that the most crucial part of all our travel formalities is the visa processing. A traveler/ student/ worker/ migration seeker will always be in a dilemma once he has submitted visa application until he find out the status of the application from the Embassy/ Consulate. This circumstance is precisely similar to the way one feels while giving an exam. Why exam? Because you don’t know for sure what will happen as embassy staff are the one who is going to decide whether to grant a visa after reviewing the application. And there might be a chance your visa doesn’t get approval due to something unsatisfactory as regards of that application. Thus, one can take the help of visa consultants as they have the right expertise and can identify problems, this assures us that the process is going to be smooth and hassle-free.
Here BICAVS will help you to describe the role of a visa consultant plays in your visa processing. How can visa consultant be remarkably helpful to you further, what are the limitations to a visa consultant/ agency?
The main role of a visa consultant is to help a client to move from one country to another country with advice on legal and documentation to complete the process smoothly and also to increase the chances of visa approval whether migrate, travel, study, work or business purpose with professional advice.
Reasons To Hire Visa Consultant:-
Convenience –
The most important role that a consultant plays in your visa procedure is that they deal with all of the tedious manual work which generally an applicant has to do himself/ herself. Right from filling the application forms, preparing the letters, booking appointment dates wherever necessary, paying the fees in the bank/ getting the DD done, presenting an application, collection passports, etc. You just need to gather your important documents as per list provided by them, sign some documents and you are good to go.
Expertise –
You can’t deny that a visa expert without a doubt has more data on the visa procedure than a voyager. Before starting the visa process one needs to take a proper information of what will be the process and what documentation is required. You put in a lot of efforts and money while planning your itinerary and all of that is at stake once you apply for the visa. Here it is very important to have an advice from an expert, who is well ahead of time if any increments or cancellations are required in the application or not. Likewise, they remain up to date with any changes to legislation. So we spare all the time that we generally would need to spend on the interconnection investigating.
Time Saving –
Time is your most valuable asset and yet so many people are ready to misuse it. Days can be spent properly researching about visa procedure and documentation. With the amount of differing data available online, it’s easy to quickly get puzzled and a single mistake can cost your visa denial. There is no doubt you will save a lot of time by hiring visa consultant.
The Professional Support –
“Yes, you read it right.” This is one of the most important roles the visa consultants play for us. Be it a first-time traveler or not, you as a whole need that comfort from somebody on whom you can depend and complete the procedure. The expertise they have can give you the certainty you need and all the essential points are taken care by them. They not only just process your visas but also consult as on how the application must be showcased which will improve the chances for you to get the visas approved. If any last-minute changes come up, guidance in critical situations is something that you look for while hiring the visa consultant as you might have to provide extra documents, go for an interview anytime.
Limitations Of Visa Consultants:-
Presently we realized that what vital part does our visa specialist play, let’s look at what limitations do a consultant have to face while assisting you. Before beginning the visa procedure, other than anything else a traveler needs to know the below points:
Intermediator –
The important point a travelers need to get right. Your visa consultant is only an intermediator between you and the competent visa issuing authority. The expert can set up your application, counsel you for the procedure and documentation, yet the visa choice, all things considered, will be of the Embassy/ Consulate. As a visa specialist one can’t influence the visa choice, neither decidedly nor contrarily. They can assure you the visa but cannot guarantee.
Conditional –
They have a dependency throughout the process. Dependency on the courier services, the dependency of the submission centres, dependency of public holidays, visiting on natural calamities! Yes, they do have dependencies on natural calamities as well, the documents are shipped to the Metro cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, etc. where the embassy/ consulate is located which is via air. So, any natural disturbances will affect the shipping.